3M Sorbent Pads
Why 3M™ Sorbents?
3M pioneered the development of synthetic sorbents while leveraging core technologies. 3M sorbents contain no abrasive granules that can damage expensive equipment. Instead, they are made from microfiber materials that contain millions of tiny pockets for absorbing and holding liquids.
Choose from petroleum (oil-only), maintenance (for non-aggressive liquids), and chemical (for most aggressive and non-aggressive liquids) formats.
Now More Options
3M™ sorbents are available in high-capacity, medium-capacity, and traditional absorbency so you can select the right product for the size of your potential spill. These pads and rolls can be wrung out and reused many times with virtually no loss in absorbency. We complement our rolls and pads with booms, mini-booms, pillows, drum covers, spill kits, and response packs for use with many types of spills and tasks.
3M's™ high- and medium-capacity sorbents are lightweight to reduce the volume of waste going into landfills. They may also be incinerated with very low ash residue. High-capacity sorbents contain at least 25% recycled content by weight. Medium-capacity sorbents contain at least 50% recycled content by weight.
Additional Benefits
- 3M's™ microbundle technology employs millions of tiny voids to absorb liquid — effectively doubling the capacity of the material
- 3M sorbents absorb more so you don't have to use as much, and they create less waste
- 3M sorbents are made from inert polypropylene and polyester fibers that trap liquid in the voids
- 3M sorbents are lightweight, non-abrasive, and available in many shapes and sizes to perfectly fit your application
- 3M petroleum sorbents can be reused; 90% of the oil can be wrung out and reclaimed
- 3M high- and medium-capacity sorbents are made with scrim on one or two sides to help eliminate linting