Hard Floor Cleaning and Maintenance Guide

Hard Floor Cleaning and Maintenance Guide

Proper hard floor care is essential for the health, image, and safety of any facility.A floor care program consisting of preventative, daily, interim, and restorative maintenance not only preserves the life of your facility's floors, it also helps you reduce costs and improve operating efficiencies.

General Hard Floor Care Procedures

Preventative Maintenance

Daily Maintenance

Interim Maintenance

Restorative Maintenance

  • Every four to six months, particularly after winter has wreaked its havoc, floors must be stripped and recoated with finish or wax. Choose the appropriate chemical stripper for your floor type and apply with a low-speed floor machine outfitted with a stripping pad. Use a wet/dry vac to remove the slurry left behind by the stripping process.
  • Once stripped, apply five to six coats of floor finish with a finish mop, allowing at least 30 minutes of dry time between applications.

1. http://www.issa.com/articles/article-details/archived/floor-care-tips-from-start-to-re-finish#.V_vZWeArKUk
2. http://www.issa.com/video#29 "The Four Phases of Floor Maintenance"

Floor Care Resources

Complete Guide to Carpet Care
Complete Guide to Carpet Care
Choose the Right Mop
Choose the Right Mop
Improve Your Bottom Line
Improve Your Bottom Line
Protect Your Maintenance Staff
Protect Your Maintenance Staff